Refer a Church! Share the Love.
Receive a free month of access fees!
We're so glad that you love our system so much that you are willing to share us! We firmly believe that the more we are working together for the common goal of strengthening each of our internal memberships, as well as, our connections with each other between congregations, and increasing the involvement and engagement of church activities within our users, the better the USA will be. The ultimate fix, folks need Jesus and need to stay with Jesus.
Once the congregation you shared us with has signed up and been with us for at least 2 months, we'll credit your invoice for the access fee for 1 month. Any other a la carte charges incurred that month will still apply. And, there's no limit on how many churches you can refer!
How do I refer someone?
Simply spread the love and when they sign up they'll have an option to state if they were a 'referral'. They'll then have the opportunity to enter the needed info and person's name that referred them.
Simple as that!
Thanks for helping us continue to be the Most Innovative and Best Church Management Software ever.
Team ChurchHarmony

A church management solution packed with everything you need!
Just $69 / mo for access for your entire church!
No contracts or cancellation fees.
Unlimited Members!